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In today's media-obsessed culture, it's hard to imagine a celebrity successfully disappearing without a trace. Believe it or not, it has happened on multiple occasions, often as the result of addiction, mental illness, or legal trouble. Which celebrities have actually vanished from Hollywood? And how were they discovered? We've got the bone-chilling details in our original video above, or you can read on below. And don't forget to subscribe to the Nicki Swift YouTube channel for more cool celebrity videos!
Nick Stahl
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In May 2012, TMZ confirmed that In the Bedroom actor Nick Stahl had gone missing amid rumors that he'd been "frequenting the Skid Row area of Downtown Los Angeles." Shortly after word got out that he was missing, Stahl emailed his friends claiming he was planning to go to rehab, and TMZ confirmed that he did turn up at a rehabilitation center later.

Sadly, Stahl went missing again that June after checking out of rehab against his doctors' advice, according to TMZ. His wife, Rose Stahl, told the tabloid she would not actively search for her husband again. "I'm backing off" she said. "He knows exactly where home is. It's the loving thing to do for him, myself and our daughter." Nick eventually turned up and reconciled with his family in July. Sources for TMZ claimed at the time that he was "in a good place" and going to Alcoholics Anonymous.

Things took a turn for the worse in 2013. In June of that year, the Terminator 3 star was placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold for unknown reasons, TMZ reported. That same month, he was arrested by cops who found him and three other people using meth in a motel.
Ozzy Osbourne
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According to The Sun, Black Sabbath rocker Ozzy Osbourne allegedly went missing after tabloids claimed his marriage to wife Sharon Osbourne was ending over Ozzy's rumored infidelity. The missing persons case didn't last long. About three hours after Page Six published the headline "Ozzy Osbourne Is Missing," the tabloid followed up with a report confirming he was well and fine in Los Angeles. Hooray for journalism!

Sharon addressed the downfall of her marriage of 33 years on a recent episode of The Talk. "I'm 63 years of age and I can't keep living like this," she said. Strangely enough, the pair were spotted looking pretty darn happy at a conference a few days later, sparking rumors that their split could be a publicity stunt.
Governor Mark Sanford
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If you thought politicians were wacky, wait until you get a load of this story. In 2009, Mark Sanford, then the Governor of South Carolina, disappeared for about six days after telling people he was going to hike the Appalachian Trail. As it turns out, he was really going to Argentina to visit his mistress, later identified as Maria Belen Chapur. Sanford admitted to his secret liaison upon his return to the United States and begged for forgiveness.

The governor's marriage of more than 20 years quickly fell apart. Sanford and Chapur got engaged and lasted until 2014. According to Chapur, the couple ended their relationship because Sanford kept delaying a wedding date.

Here's the kicker: Sanford actually finished out his second term as governor in 2011 and was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2013.
Randy Quaid
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File this under "things we can't make up." Academy Award-nominee Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi Quaid, fled to Canada in 2010 in an attempt to seek asylum from a group they referred to as "Hollywood star whackers" allegedly out to kill them, according to CNN. Their escape to Canada followed a spree of illegal activities by the couple in the United States that included using fake credit cards to pay for hotel bills and squatting in one of their former homes. According to CNN, the couple was granted permission to stay in Canada in 2011. Evi managed to get Canadian citizenship because her father was born in Canada; Randy's request was denied in 2013, CNN reported.

Randy was detained by Canadian immigration officials in October 2015 and was set to be deported back to the United States later that month, according to TMZ. Bizarrely, he and Evi were arrested while trying to sneak back into the States through Vermont.

Huh. No wonder Cousin Eddie was such a wacko.
Richard Stanley
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A lot of wacky things happened on the set of the 1996 film The Island of Dr. Moreau, but top on the list is what happened after director Richard Stanley (pictured, right) was fired just three days into production. According to The Telegraph, Stanley was supposed to be escorted onto a flight from the remote set in Australia to Los Angeles, but when his plane arrived in LAX, Stanley was not on board. Some of the film's extras discovered him about a month later, "living rough in the jungle: he'd fled from the airport to a fruit plantation, where he'd been subsiding on yams, cassava and coconuts, along with his substantial personal stash of marijuana."

Even wackier: Stanley actually teamed up with the extras to concoct a way to get back onto the set by dressing up as a mutant dog and blending in with the background actors. Stanley did so because he was worried about his friends left behind on set who had only agreed to film the movie because he was directing it. "I did find it reassuring and psychologically helpful in the long term," Stanley told The Telegraph. "It made me realise the situation was even more shambolic without me." Fair enough—but couldn't he have just waited for the VHS?
Jason Mewes
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Jay & Silent Bob star Jason Mewes disappeared for about two years after failing to show up for a drug-related court appearance in 2001. He finally turned himself in and was sentenced to six months in rehab in 2003. What caused him to come out of hiding? According to an insane report from Entertainment Weekly, Mewes woke up on Christmas morning from a heroin-induced sleep to find the couch he had passed out on engulfed in flames. Realizing he had hit rock bottom, he reportedly got into a car and drove from California to New Jersey, where a warrant had been out for his arrest since 2001.

Mewes struggled to get sober in the years that followed, but the Chasing Amy star finally got clean in 2010. Mewes and his wife, producer Jordan Monsanto, welcomed a baby girl named Logan Lee in April 2015.
Margot Kidder
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It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope, it's just Superman star Margot Kidder hiding out in the bushes of a suburban California home. That's apparently where police discovered the former Lois Lane after she had gone missing for four days in April 1996. Found "dirty, frightened and paranoid" with bruises and scratches on her body, Kidder was taken to an area hospital for psychiatric evaluation, according to The Independent. "At the time of her discovery, she was wearing disheveled, cast-off clothing and apparently cut off her own hair with a razor blade in an attempt to alter her appearance," police said.

Kidder later revealed to People that she suffered from manic depression and was working hard to better manage her disease. "I'm not saying it's all over," she said in the 1996 interview. "I'm saying this is the pattern of my life…I just have to accept the fact that this is me, or I ain't gonna make it."
Kurt Cobain

The final days of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain were described as "a crisis" and "chaotic" in a heartbreaking 1994 piece by Rolling Stone. The story details how Cobain went missing after scaling a six-foot brick wall at a Los Angeles rehab center in April 1994. Cobain's body was found six days later in the greenhouse above his Seattle home. He had shot himself in the head approximately two or three days prior.

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